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Responsibility for the historic environment is devolved to the constituent countries of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Excepting Northern Ireland which has a unitary service, there are two tiers of administration with a national agency and a series of Historic Environment Records advising local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales. GIS is routinely used internally and on many public facing websites. For England, the Historic England Commission - the governing board of the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England, the Commission has direct responsibility for the work of Historic England; the Commission also has overall responsibility for the National Heritage Collection, which is managed by the English Heritage Trust on its behalf. Historic England is responsible for the designation of a range of Protected sites available through the National Heritage List for England Map Search. Protected Sites datasets may be downloaded as Shape Files from the Historic England Download Listing Data page and are listed on Heritage Gateway allows users to cross-search over 60 resources, offering local and national information, including Historic England’s Protected sites, relating to England’s heritage. Heritage Gateway publishes a list of Historic Environment Records, indicating if they are online but does not highlight which include GIS functionality. For Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland (HES) is the lead public body established to investigate, care for and promote Scotland’s historic environment. HES is responsible for designation of Protected Sites in Scotland and hosts the National Record of the Historic Environment; Canmore is the online catalogue to Scotland’s archaeology, buildings, and industrial and maritime heritage. Protected Sites may be searched through the Historic Environment Portal and on PastMap. PastMap also includes site location data from Canmore and most of the local authority Historic Environment Records. Canmore also provides dedicated text and map searches across its holdings. Web Map Services, Web Feature Services and ATOM feeds for HES data are available through the HES spatial downloads portal. These services are also published through the and harvested by In addition to contributing their records to PastMap several of the local authority Historic Environment Records host their own online map browsers. For NE Scotland, Aberdeenshire Council Archaeological Service provides archaeological advice and hosts Historic Environment Records, including map searches, for Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen City, Angus and Moray Councils. The Historic Environment Record for East and Midlothian includes a Map search as does the Historic Environment record for Highland Council. Stirling and Clackmannanshire council Historic environment Records are published via a map browser. West of Scotland Archaeology Service, covering several councils in W Scotland, includes a map search. Both Orkney Islands and Scottish Borders Council use Canmore. For Wales, CADW are the Welsh Government's historic environment service working for an accessible and well-protected historic environment for Wales. Cof Cymru - National Historic Assets of Wales - provides a webmap browser for designated historic assets. The data is also available to download from CADW and some of the datasets are indexed on the Lle geoportal. Data on Lle is provided as WMS and WFS and may be downloaded in Geojson, GML, KML and Shape file formats. Historic Wales also publishes a range of designation data along with the records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales (RCAHMW) and the four Welsh Archaeological Trusts. The records and archives from RCAHMW are also searchable through Coflein and Coflein map searches. Archwilio is a standalone portal for the four Welsh Archaeological Trusts. For Northern Ireland, the Historic Environment Map Viewer for Northern Ireland is available under the authority of Historic Environment Division within Department for Communities. Metadata is published on Spatial NI for INSPIRE. For Marine Archaeology the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) is the responsible authority for marine data including wreck locations as navigational hazards. Wreck data, released under INSPIRE Protected Sites theme may be freely downloaded from their Admiralty Marine Data Portal. There is a charge for additional attribution. The respective national heritage agencies host a range of spatial datasets for the historic marine environment. Historic England Protected wreck data is available from the Download Listing Data page as well as from as a shape file. Historic England also hold information on the wider marine archaeological record although this is not available online at present. In Scotland, Historic Marine Protected Areas are published on Historic Environment Scotland ’s Historic Environment Portal. Canmore publishes undesignated maritime records (known wreck locations and documented losses or casualties). These datasets are also published on PastMap and may be downloaded from the HES spatial downloads portal as part of the Canmore dataset. HES data are also published through the and harvested by In Wales, CADW’s Protected wrecks data is published on Cof Cymru - National Historic Assets of Wales. The data is also available to download from CADW and indexed on the Lle geoportal. RCAHMW National Monuments Record of Wales - Maritime Heritage Assets, published on Coflein, is available to download from Lle. The Historic Environment Map Viewer for Northern Ireland includes layers for Protected Wrecks, Historic Wrecks and Marine Losses. The Marine Environment Data Information Network (MEDIN) hosts a Metadata Discovery Portal which includes some spatial data from heritage agencies. Current situation: a) all levels of implementation, from local to national, b) GIS technology included within the national information infrastructure, c) GIS applications publicly available, d) main fields of application: heritage management, archaeology, historic monuments protection, networking heritage inventories. (contributions from Peter McKeague) |
References Carlisle, P. K., Lee, E. S., 2013. Bringing It All Together: Networking Heritage Inventories in England, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XL-5/W2, 161-163, Manders, M., Oosting, R., Brouwers, W., 2010. Managing Cultural Heritage Underwater - MACHU Final Report, McKeague, P., Corns, A., Larsson, Å., Moreau, A., Posluschny, A., Van Daele, K., Evans, T., 2020. One Archaeology: A Manifesto for the Systematic and Effective Use of Mapped Data from Archaeological Fieldwork and Research. Information. 2020; 11(4):222. McKeague, P., Thomas, D., 2016. Evolution of national heritage inventories for Scotland and Wales, Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 6(2), 113-127. McKeague, P., Van‘t Veer, R., Huvila, I., Moreau, A., Verhagen, P., Bernard, L., Cooper, A., Green, C., Van Manen, N., 2019. Mapping Our Heritage: Towards a Sustainable Future for Digital Spatial Information and Technologies in European Archaeological Heritage Management, Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, 2(1), 89–104, Sifniotis, M., Mania, K., Watten, P., White, M., 2006. Presenting Uncertainty in Archaeological Reconstructions Using Possibility Theory and Information Visualisation Schemes, in Ioannides, M., Arnold, D., Niccolucci, F., Mania K. (Eds.), The 7th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST 2006, short papers, 198-202 Sylaiou, S., Basiouka, S., Patias, P., Stylianidis, E., 2013. The Volunteered Geographic Information in Archaeology, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., II-5/W1, 301-306, Thomas, D., McKeague, P., 2013. Shared Web Information Systems for Heritage in Scotland and Wales - Flexibility in Partnership, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XL-5/W2, 629-634, |