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Departamentul de Antichităţi (Department of Antiquities) în cooperare cu Getty Conservation Institute şi World Monuments Fund au dezvoltat sistemul MEGA-Jordan (www.megajordan.org) care reprezintă Sistemul de Management şi Documentare a Patrimoniului Naţional (National Heritage Documentation and Management System). Prof. Abdel-Rahman A. Abudeladas a oferit informaţii specifice despre Iordania, evidenţiind proiectul "Integration of Geometrics and Geophysics for Geospatial Archaeology Database System in Jordan" al universităţii Al-Balqa Applied University, realizat între 2008 şi 2010. Situaţia actuală: a) toate nivelurile de implementare, de la local la naţional, b) infrastructura informaţională naţională în curs de realizare, c) aplicaţii GIS disponibile în mod public, d) domenii de aplicare principale: administrarea patrimoniului, arheologie, conservare, inventar patrimoniu, realitate virtuală, 3D GIS. (contribuţii Abdel-Rahman A. Abudeladas) |
Referinţe bibliografice Abueladas, A.A., 2018. Use of GIS for Cultural Heritage in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Research Report, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan. Abueladas A., Akawwi E., Aluzouq R., and Al-Zoubi A., 2017. Using 2D and 3D CVES Archaeology at Umm Qais, Jordan. Journal of Applied Science, 1(17), 41-47. Al-Ruzouq R., Venkatachalam S., Abueladas A., Abu Dabou S., 2018. Geomatics for economic archaeological documentation and management. Applied Geomatics, 10(4), 341-360. Drap, P., Durand, A., Nedir, M., Seinturier, J., Papini, O., Boucault, F., Chapman, P., Viant, W., Vannini, G., Nuccioti, M., 2006. Towards a Photogrammetry and Virtual Reality Based Heritage Information System: A Case Study of Shawbak Castle in Jordan, in Ioannides, M., Arnold, D., Niccolucci, F., Mania K. (Eds.), The 7th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST 2006, full papers, 67-74 Drap, P., Seinturier, J., Chambelland, J. C., Gaillard, G., Pires, H., Vannini, G., Mucciotti, M., Pruno, E., 2009. Going to Shawbak (Jordan) and Getting the Data back: Toward a 3D GIS dedicated to Medieval Archaeology, Proceedings of 3D-ARCH 2009, 25-28 February 2009, Trento, Italy, ISPRS Archives – Volume XXXVIII-5/W1, 2009, www.isprs.org/proceedings/XXXVIII/5-W1/pdf/drap_etal.pdf Rayne, L., Bradbury, J., Mattingly, D., Philip, G., Bewley, R., Wilson, A., 2017. From Above and on the Ground: Geospatial Methods for Recording Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa. Geosciences, 7(4), 100, https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences7040100 Santana Quintero, M., Cesaro, G., Ishakat, F., Vandesande, A., Vileikis, O., Vadafari, A., Paolini, A., Van Balen, K., and Fakhoury, L., 2012. Protecting UNESCO World Heritage Properties’s Integrity: The Role of Recording and Documentation in Risk Management for Petra, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XXXIX-B5, 121-126, doi.org/10.5194/isprsarchives-XXXIX-B5-121-2012 Sheldrick, N., Zerbini, A., 2017. A Heritage Inventory for Documenting Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., IV-2/W2, 237-241, doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-IV-2-W2-237-2017 |